Socionics Type


LSEs see the world in terms of processes and always think of how these processes can be optimized. They are good organizers and create bullet-proof plans, which they follow allowing enough time every step of the way to avoid rush decisions. 

LSEs react negatively to emotional expressiveness and might come across as ‘fake’ in their outward expressions. They believe one’s emotions and passions should not guide one’s actions. They are unable to correctly read their moods or those of others. 

LSEs don't dream - they plan. They are blind to a person's core and only able to perceive people's personalities as changeable and flexible - and hence, improvable. 

LSEs seek people who can offer them a gentle guidance on how to be a better person and help them to unlock their full potential.

If their own Quadra values are developed LSEs themselves work towards being better people and exploring human nature and society as a whole.

If their own Quadra values are developed, LSEs defuse conflicts. They also believe that clarity comes from perspectives and is negotiated between people.

If the opposite Quadra values are developed LSEs believe that anything that is beyond reason is a waste of time. They also hide their weaknesses and are eager to face up to challenges.


This type belongs to the Delta quadra

Other types of the Delta quadra are: EII SLI IEE