Socioncis Basics step 1: Dichotomies

The Dichotomies are the part of Socioncs theory that was derived from Jung Psychologische Typen. Jung had four dichotomies, two of which are also dichotomies in Socionics: Rationality vs Irrationality and Introversion vs Extraversion, with the other two being subdichotomies of Rationality/Irrationality. The combination of dichotmies creates Socionics Aspects.

Rational-Irrational dichotomy


Irrational side of dichotomy is about unconscious perceptions and reactions. It is further devided into Intuition-Sensorics dichotomy.

Sensorics Intuition

Sensorics is geared towards here and now. It obtains information from physical objects and deals with the material world.

Intuition concerns itself with the past and the future. It obtains information from intangible sources and deals with abstract concepts.


Rational side of dichotomy is about consciously arriving at conclusions. It is futher devided into Logic-Ethics dichotomy.

Logic Ethics

Logic is is about coming to conclusions by reasoning

Ethics is about coming to conclusions based on feeling.

Extraversion-Introversion dichotomy

Extraversion Introversion

Extravertion’s focus is tilted towards interacting with the outside world.

Introversion’s focus is tilted towards interacting with the inner world.